Saturday, December 5, 2015

Roe v. Wade – Case Brief Summary

"Roe (P), a pregnant single woman, brought a class action suit challenging the constitutionality of the Texas abortion laws. These laws made it a crime to obtain or attempt an abortion except on medical advice to save the life of the mother." and "The Does, a married couple with no children, who sought an injunction against enforcement of the laws on the grounds that they were unconstitutional." Roe won the district court is affirmed while the Does lost the district court is affirmed. "The Due Process Clause protects the right to privacy, including a woman’s right to terminate her pregnancy, against state action."

Every Saturday, a couple of Christian men and women stands outside Planned Parenthood with signs to end abortions. I use to think that it was a women's right, whether they wanted to get an abortion or not. Then I started thinking about how a child is a blessing and that it is best to give a child up for adoption than aborting them. It is a sin when you kill someone and aborting a child is killing. Some women get abortions because they do not have the money to take care of a child or because they have been raped. I do understand that someone's situation can prevent them from keeping their child, if that is the case then they should give the child up for adoption. I also understand that they won't want to do that too, so then they would have to seek for help. Some may say that I am not experiencing the same as others and that I won't understand, what I do understand is that the U.S.A provides a lot of help for those in need. There's food stamps, section 8, there's people to people, there's planned parent hood and great insurances like Fedelis. 

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